Based on our experience gained during audits of internal control processes, we offer the following services to you:
- designing and implementing internal control systems, or
- reviewing, assessing and providing recommendations relating to improvement of the existing internal control systems,
- preparing and implementing internal procedures for financial control purposes,
- assisting in forming internal audit departments.
Depending on your needs, we can offer support not only in designing and implementing internal control procedures that have not been established at your Company yet but also we can review and assess the existing procedures. Our Certified Internal Auditors will analyze and document the procedures, identify risks and internal controls that address those risks and test the operating effectiveness of these controls. As a result, valuable recommendations improving internal control processes will be provided. We can also assist you in establishing an internal control department by preparing methodology and a plan of action, seeking a suitable candidate for an internal auditor, preparing his/her training and presenting his/her responsibilities.
We also offer an innovative internal audit system – GaInside. Details can be found at: